Monter son projet avec le guide pratique Yapluka !

Setting up your project with Yapluka!
The University of Toulouse publishes Yapluka, a practical guide that helps you to set up your volunteer project. You will find a great deal of information, advice, recommendations for methodology and tools that can help you in your day-to-day management.
For more information contact:
Yapluka videos!
Make your associations known through small interviews filmed [Lien manquant] and directed by our teams at the Welcome Desk. You can then use these videos in your own communication channels: website, social networks, etc.
To make a video, contact us:
Showcasing your project
Whether your initiative is about sports, intercultural exchanges, sustainable development, culture, etc., the University of Toulouse can help you get some publicity.
Student Week
Through the call for projects launched each spring, you can propose an event, a sports tournament or a show, which will be scheduled during the annual festival in October.
For more information, contact: